
The BTab class defines the tabs used by the BTabView class. Each tab is represented by a single BTab object, which is called to render and manage the tab.

When a tab is created, a target view is specified as a parameter to the BTab BTab(), or by calling SetView(). The target view is the view that will be displayed in the BTabView’s container view when the BTab is selected.

Users select tabs by clicking on them, or by using keyboard navigation to focus and select the tab.

An example of how to create a BTabView and attach BTab objects to it is given in the BTabView section.

Customizing the Appearance of a BTab

Customizing the appearance of your tabs is achieved by overriding the DrawTab(), DrawFocusMark(), and/or DrawLabel() functions.

These functions are responsible for all drawing of the BTab. DrawTab() renders the entire tab, excluding the focus mark: it draws the borders and calls DrawLabel() to render the text of the label.

DrawFocusMark() draws the indicator that shows which tab is the current focus for keyboard navigation.

By default, tabs have a beveled, rounded look. Let’s look at an example in which we replace this appearance with a square shape:

To do this, we create a new class, derived from BTab, that overrides the DrawTab() function.

class CustomTab : public BTab {
		virtual void DrawTab(BView *owner, BRect frame, tab_position position, bool full=true);

The DrawTab() function is implemented as follows:

const rgb_color kWhite = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
const rgb_color kGray = { 219, 219, 219, 255 };
const rgb_color kMedGray = { 180, 180, 180, 255 };
const rgb_color kDarkGray = { 100, 100, 100, 255 };
const rgb_color kBlack = { 0, 0, 0, 255 };

void CustomTab::DrawTab(BView *owner, BRect frame, tab_position position, bool full)
	rgb_color hi;
	rgb_color lo;

	// Save the original colors

	hi = owner->HighColor();
	lo = owner->LowColor();

	// Draw the label by calling DrawLabel()

	DrawLabel(owner, frame);

	// Start a line array to draw the tab --
	// this is faster than drawing the lines
	// one by one.


	// Do the bottom left corner, visible
	// only on the frontmost tab.

	if (position != B_TAB_ANY)
		owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.left, frame.bottom),
			BPoint(frame.left + 3, frame.bottom - 3), kWhite);

	// Left wall -- always drawn

	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.left + 4, frame.bottom - 4),
		BPoint(frame.left + 4,, kWhite);
	// Top -- always drawn

	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.left + 5,,
		BPoint(frame.right - 5,, kWhite);
	// Right wall -- always drawn. Has a nice bevel.

	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 4,,
		BPoint(frame.right - 4, frame.bottom - 4), kDarkGray);
	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 5,,
		BPoint(frame.right - 5, frame.bottom - 4), kMedGray);
	// Bottom-right corner, only visible if the tab
	// is either frontmost or the rightmost tab.

	if (full)
		owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 3, frame.bottom - 3),
			BPoint(frame.right, frame.bottom), kDarkGray);
		owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 4, frame.bottom - 3),
			BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom), kMedGray);



The owner parameter is a pointer to the BView in which the tab is drawn. frame is the frame rectangle of the tab; the tab should be drawn to fill this rectangle. The position parameter, which can be one of the following values, specifies the placement of the tab, to assist in making intelligent decisions on which parts of the tab are visible and which are not:




The tab is the leftmost tab (the one with index 0 in the BTabView).


The tab is the frontmost tab.


The tab is neither the frontmost nor the leftmost tab.

This is fairly trivial example, and is self-explanatory—with two caveats:

// Do the bottom left corner, visible
// only on the frontmost tab.

if (position != B_TAB_ANY)
	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.left, frame.bottom),
		BPoint(frame.left + 3, frame.bottom - 3), kWhite);

This code is responsible for drawing the portion of the tab that connects to the box surrounding the BTabView’s container. In our custom BTab, this is simply a diagonal line that extends from the bottom left corner of the frame upward and inward slightly.

However, this portion of the tab is only visible on the first or frontmost tab, so we only draw this segment if its position isn’t B_TAB_ANY (in other words, if its position is either B_TAB_FRONT or B_TAB_FIRST).

// Bottom-right corner, only visible if the tab
// is either frontmost or the rightmost tab.

if (full)
	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 3, frame.bottom -3),
		BPoint(frame.right, frame.bottom), kDarkGray);
	owner->AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 4, frame.bottom - 3),
		BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom), kMedGray);

This code, which draws the lower-right corner of the tab (where it meets back up with the box surrounding the container view), only runs if the full parameter is true. This is because the right edge of a tab can be obscured by the tab to its left.