
Constructor and Destructor


BTabView::BTabView(BRect frame, const char *name, button_width width = B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_ALL, uint32 flags = B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE | B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP | B_FRAME_EVENTS)
BTabView::BTabView(const BTabView &tabView)
BTabView::BTabView(BMessage *archive)

Initializes the BTabView to the frame rectangle, stated in its eventual parent’s coordinate system, and assigns it the specified name, resizingMode, and flags. These are described in detail in the BView section.

The width parameter, which can be one of the following values, specifies the widths of the tabs in the BTabView. All tabs in a BTabView are the same width.




Each tab’s width is determined based upon the width of the widest tab name.


The default tab width is used for all tabs.


The tab width for each tab is based on the width of the tab’s label.

The container view for the BTabView’s subviews is created and added to the BTabView as well.


virtual BTabView::~BTabView()

Frees all memory the BTabView allocated, and deletes every BTab attached to it.

Hook Functions


virtual void BTabView::AttachedToWindow()

Calls BView::AttachedToWindow(), then selects the first tab in the tab view.


virtual void BTabView::Draw(BRect updateRect)

Draws the tabs and the box that encloses the container view that displays the selected tab’s target view.


virtual void BTabView::DrawBox(BRect selTabRect)

Draws the box that encloses the container view. selTabRect is the frame rectangle of the currently-selected tab; this information is used to allow the box to attach properly to the current tab. This is the same rectangle that the DrawTabs() function returns.

This is called for you by the Draw() function and is provided primarily as a hook for customizing the appearance of your BTabView.


virtual BRect BTabView::DrawTabs()

Draws all the tabs in the BTabView and returns the frame rectangle of the currently-selected tab. This rectangle should then be passed to DrawBox() to draw the container view’s enclosing box.

This is called for you by the Draw() function and is provided primarily as a hook for customizing the appearance of your BTabView.


virtual void BTabView::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes)

The KeyDown() function handles keyboard navigation of the BTabView; the down and left arrow keys move the focus to the left, and the up and right arrow keys move the focus to the right. The space bar and enter keys select the focused tab.

All other keys are passed through to the BView::KeyDown() function for further processing.

See also: the Keyboard Information appendix, “B_KEY_DOWN” in the Message Protocols appendix, BView::KeyDown(), modifiers()


virtual void BTabView::MouseDown(BPoint point)

Identifies which tab (if any) the user clicked and selects that tab. If the mouse was not inside a tab when clicked, the BView::MouseDown() function is called.

See also: “B_MOUSE_DOWN” in the Message Protocols appendix, BView::GetMouse()


virtual void BTabView::WindowActivated(bool active)

Calls the inherited version of WindowActivated(), then calls DrawTabs() to redraw the tabs.

See also: BWindow::WindowActivated()

Member Functions

AddTab(), RemoveTab()

virtual void BTabView::AddTab(BView *target, BTab *tab = NULL)
virtual BTab *BTabView::RemoveTab(int32 tab_index)

AddTab() adds the specified tab as the rightmost tab in the BTabView. The new tab’s target view is set to target.

If tab is NULL, a new BTab object is constructed and added to the BTabView. You can get a pointer to the new tab using the TabAt() function

if you choose to reimplement AddTab(), you should call the inherited form of this function once the BTab has been customized.

RemoveTab() removes the tab with the specified index number from the BTabView and returns a pointer to the BTab object. The BTab is not deleted—if you don’t need it anymore, you can do that yourself.


virtual BTabView::Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep = true) const

Calls the inherited version of Archive() and stores the BTabView in the BMessage archive.

See also: BArchivable::Archive(), Instantiate() static function


virtual void BTabView::MakeFocus(bool focused = true)

Makes the BTabView the current focus by first calling BView::MakeFocus(), then making the currently-selected tab the focus of the BTabView.

Select(), Selection()

virtual void BTabView::Select(int32 tab)
int32 BTabView::Selection() const

Select() selects the tab specified by its index number, first deselecting the previously-selected tab.

Selection() returns the index number of the currently-selected tab.

SetFocusTab(), FocusTab()

virtual void BTabView::SetFocusTab(int32 tab, bool focused)
int32 BTabView::FocusTab() const

SetFocusTab() sets the focus state of the specified tab. If focused is true, the specified tab becomes the new focus; if focused is false, the focus is removed from the currently-focused tab but no new focus is set (the BTabView becomes focusless).

FocusTab() returns the index number of the tab that is currently the focus.

SetTabHeight(), TabHeight()

virtual void BTabView::SetTabHeight(float height)
float BTabView::TabHeight() const

SetTabHeight() sets the height of the tabs in the BTabView. TabHeight() returns the current tab height.

When you change the tab height, the container view for the target views is resized so that the BTabView doesn’t change size. Making the tabs taller by n pixels causes the container view’s top edge to move down by n pixels, and decreasing the heights of the tabs increases the height of the container view.

SetTabWidth(), TabWidth()

virtual void BTabView::SetTabWidth(button_width width)
button_width BTabView::TabWidth() const

SetTabWidth() sets the width of the tabs in the BTabView, and TabWidth() returns the current width setting. width must be one of the following values:




Each tab’s width is determined based upon the width of the widest tab name.


The default tab width is used for all tabs.


virtual BTab *BTabView::TabAt(int32 tab_index)

Returns a pointer to the BTab object at the specified index. The leftmost tab is index number 0.


virtual BRect BTabView::TabFrame(int32 tab_index)

Returns the frame rectangle of the tab whose index number is specified. The leftmost tab is index number 0.

See also: DrawTabs(), DrawBox(), Draw()

Static Functions


static BArchivable *BTabView::Instantiate(BMessage *archive)

Returns a new BTabView object, allocated by new and created with the version of the constructor that takes a BMessage archive. However, if the archive message doesn’t contain data for a BTabView object, Instantiate() returns NULL.

See also: BArchivable::Instantiate(), instantiate_object(), Archive()

Archived Fields

The Archive() function adds the following fields to its BMessage argument:


Type code




The height of the tabs.



The tab width value.



Which tab is selected.

The archived tabs are added to the _l_items field (deep copy only). The tabs’ target views are added to the _views field (deep copy only), with the leftmost tab inserted first in the _views array, and the rightmost tab inserted last.