
A BLooper object creates a “message loop” that receives messages that are sent or posted to the BLooper. The message loop runs in a separate thread that’s spawned (and told to run) when the BLooper receives a Run() call. If you’re creating your own BLooper, you can invoke Run() from within the constructor.

You tell the loop to stop by sending the BLooper a B_QUIT_REQUESTED message, which invokes the object’s Quit() function. You can also call Quit() directly, but you have to Lock() the object first (BLooper locking is explained later). Quit() deletes the BLooper for you.


The BApplication class, the most important BLooper subclass, bends the above description in one of two ways:

A BApplication takes over the main thread, it doesn’t spawn a new one.

You do have to delete be_app; you can’t just Quit() it.

Messages and Handlers

You can deliver messages to a BLooper’s thread by…

As messages arrive, they’re added to the BLooper’s BMessageQueue object. The BLooper takes messages from the queue in the order that they arrived, and calls DispatchMessage() for each one. DispatchMessage() locks the BLooper and then hands the message to a BHandler object by invoking the handler’s MessageReceived() function. But which BHandler does the BLooper hand the message to? Here’s the path:

After the handler is finished (when its MessageReceived() returns), the BMessage is automatically deleted and the BLooper is unlocked.


Access to many BLooper functions (and some BHandler functions) is proteced by a lock. To invoke a lock-protected functions (or groups of functions), you must first call Lock(), and then call Unlock() when you’re done. The lock is scoped to the calling thread: Lock()/Unlock() calls can be nested within the thread. Keep in mind that each Lock() must balanced by an Unlock().

The BLooper constructor automatically locks the object. It’s unlocked when Run() is invoked. This means that the Run() function and any other lock-protected functions that you call before you call Run() must be called from the thread that constructed the BLooper.


Because they delete themselves when told to quit, BLoopers can’t be allocated on the stack; you have to construct them with new.