
Constructor and Destructor


BApplication::BApplication(const char *signature)
BApplication::BApplication(const char *signature, status_t *error)
BApplication::BApplication(BMessage *archive)

The constructor creates a new object, locks it, sets the global variable be_app to point to it, and establishes a connection to the Application Server. From this point on, your application can receive messages, although it won’t start processing them until you call Run(). You can also begin creating and displaying BWindow objects even before you call Run().

The signature constructors assign the argument as the app’s application signature. The argument is ignored if a signature is already specified in a resource or attribute of the application’s executable (serious apps should always set the signature as both an attribute and a resource). The signature is a MIME type string that must have the supertype “application”. For more information on application signatures and how to set them, see TODO.

If you specify error, a pointer to a status_t, any error that occurs while constructing the BApplication will be returned in that variable. Alternately, you can call InitCheck() to check the results. If an error is returned by the constructor, you shouldn’t call Run().

The archive constructor is an implementation detail; see the BArchivable class.


virtual BApplication::~BApplication()

Closes and deletes the application’s BWindows (and the BViews they contain), and severs the application’s connection to the Application Server.

Never delete a BApplication object while it’s running; wait until Run() returns. To stop a BApplication (and so cause Run() to return), send it a B_QUIT_REQUESTED message:


Hook Functions


virtual void BApplication::AboutRequested()

Hook function that’s invoked when the BApplication receives a B_ABOUT_REQUESTED message, undoubtedly because the user clicked an “About…” menu item. You should implement the function to put a window on-screen that provides the user with information about the application (version number, license restrictions, authors’ names, etc).


virtual void BApplication::AppActivated(bool active)

Hook function that’s invoked when the application receives a B_APP_ACTIVATED message. The message is sent when the application gains or loses active application status. The active flag tells you which way the wind blows: true means your application is now active; false means it isn’t.

The user can activate an application by clicking on or unhiding one of its windows; you can activate an application programmatically by calling BWindow::Activate() or BRoster::ActivateApp(). (With regard to the latter: This function is called only if the application has an “activatable” window i.e. a non-modal, non-floating window).

During launch, this function is called after ReadyToRun() (provided the application is displaying an activatable window).


virtual void BApplication::ArgvReceived(int32 argc, char **argv)

Hook function that’s invoked when the application receives a B_ARGV_RECEIVED message. The message is sent if command line arguments are used in launching the application from the shell, or if argv/argc values are passed to BRoster::Launch().


This function isn’t called if there were no command line arguments, or if BRoster::Launch() was called without argv/argc values.

When the application is launched from the shell, ArgvReceived()’s arguments are identical to the traditional main() arguments: The number of command line arguments is passed as argc; the arguments themselves are passed as an array of strings in argv. The first argv string identifes the executable file; the other strings are the command line arguments proper. For example, this…

$ MyApp file1 file2

…produces the argv array { “./MyApp”, “file1”, “file2” }.

BRoster::Launch() forwards its argv and argc arguments, but adds the executable name to the front of the argv array and increments the argc value.

Normally, the B_ARGV_RECEIVED message (if sent at all) is sent once, just before B_READY_TO_RUN is sent. However, if the user tries to re-launch (from the command line and with arguments) an already-running application that’s set to B_EXCLUSIVE_LAUNCH or B_SINGLE_LAUNCH, the re-launch will generate a B_ARGV_RECEIVED message that’s sent to the already-running image. Thus, for such apps, the B_ARGV_RECEIVED message can show up at any time.


virtual void BApplication::Pulse()

Pulse() is a hook function that’s called when the application receives a B_PULSE message. The message is sent at the rate set in SetPulseRate(). The first Pulse() message is sent after ReadyToRun() returns.

You can implement Pulse() to do whatever you want (the default version does nothing), but don’t try to use it for precision timing: The pulse granularity is no better than 100,000 microseconds.

Keep in mind that Pulse() executes in the app’s message loop thread along with all other message handling functions. Your application won’t receive any Pulse() invocations while it’s waiting for some other handler function (including MessageReceived()) to finish. In the meantime, B_PULSE messages will be stacking up in the message queue; when the loop becomes “unblocked”, you’ll see a burst of Pulse() invocations.


virtual bool BApplication::QuitRequested()

Hook function that’s invoked when the application receives a B_QUIT_REQUESTED message. As described in the BLooper class (which declares this function), the request to quit is confirmed if QuitRequested() returns true, and denied if it returns false.

In its implementation, BApplication sends BLooper::QuitRequested() to each of its BWindow objects. If they all agree to quit, the windows are all destroyed (through BWindow::Quit()) and this QuitRequested() returns true. But if any BWindow refuses to quit, that window and all surviving windows are saved, and this QuitRequested() returns false.

Augment this function as you will, but be sure to call the BApplication version in your implementation.


virtual void BApplication::ReadyToRun()

Hook function that’s called when the application receives a B_READY_TO_RUN message. The message is sent automatically during the Run() function, and is sent after the initial B_REFS_RECEIVED and B_ARGV_RECEIVED messages (if any) have been handled. This is the only application message that every running application is guaranteed to receive.

What you do with ReadyToRun() is up to you, if your application hasn’t put up a window by the time this function is called, you’ll probably want to do it here. The default version of ReadyToRun() is empty.


virtual void BApplication::RefsReceived(BMessage *message)

Hook function that’s called when the application receives a B_REFS_RECEIVED message. The message is sent when the user drops a file (or files) on your app’s icon, or double clicks a file that’s handled by your app. The message can arrive either at launch time, or while your application is already running use IsLaunching() to tell which.

message contains a single field named be:refs that contains one or more entry_ref (B_REF_TYPE) items one for each file that was dropped or double-clicked. Do with them what you will; the default implementation is empty. Typically, you would use the refs to create BEntry or BFile objects.

Member Functions




See BArchivable::Archive()


See BLooper::DispatchMessage()


status_t BApplication::GetAppInfo(app_info *theInfo) const

Returns information about the application. This is a cover for

be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(be_app->Team(), theInfo);

See BRoster::GetAppInfo() for more information.


virtual status_t BApplication::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *message)

Adds the scripting suite “suite/vnd.Be-application” to message. See “Scripting Suites and Properties” for the suite’s properties. Also see BHandler::GetSupportedSuites() for more information on how this function works.


bool BApplication::IsLaunching() const

Returns true if the application is still launching. An application is considered to be in its launching phase until ReadyToRun() returns. Invoked from within ReadyToRun(), IsLaunching() returns true.


See BHandler::MessageReceived()


See BHandler::ResolveSpecifier()

Run(), Quit()

virtual thread_id BApplication::Run()
virtual void BApplication::Quit()

These functions, inherited from BLooper, are different enough from their parent versions to warrant description.

Run() doesn’t spawn a new thread—it runs the message loop in the thread that it’s called from, and doesn’t return until the message loop stops.

Quit() doesn’t kill the looper thread it tells the thread to finish processing the message queue (disallowing new messages) at which point Run() will be able to return. After so instructing the thread, Quit() returns, it doesn’t wait for the message queue to empty.

Also, Quit() doesn’t delete the BApplication object. It’s up to you to delete it after Run() returns. (However, Quit() does delete the object if it’s called before the message loop starts i.e. before Run() is called.)

SetCursor(), HideCursor(), ShowCursor(), ObscureCursor(), IsCursorHidden()

void BApplication::SetCursor(const void *cursor)
void BApplication::SetCursor(const BCursor *cursor, bool sync = true)
void BApplication::HideCursor()
void BApplication::ShowCursor()
void BApplication::ObscureCursor()
bool BApplication::IsCursorHidden() const

SetCursor() sets the cursor image that’s used when this is the active application.

You can pass one of the Be-defined cursor constants (B_HAND_CURSOR and B_I_BEAM_CURSOR) or create your own cursor image. The cursor data format is described in the BCursor class overview.

You can also call SetCursor() passing a BCursor object; specifying sync as true forces the Application Server to immediately resynchronize, thereby ensuring that the cursor change takes place immediately. The default BCursors are B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT for the hand cursor and B_CURSOR_I_BEAM for the I-beam text editing cursor.

HideCursor() removes the cursor from the screen.

ShowCursor() restores it.

ObscureCursor() hides the cursor until the user moves the mouse.

IsCursorHidden() returns true if the cursor is hidden (but not obscured), and false if not.

The cursor data format is described in the “Cursor Data Format” section in the BCursor overview.


void BApplication::SetPulseRate(bigtime_t rate)

Sets the period between B_PULSE messages being sent and the Pulse() method being called. If the pulse rate is 0 (the default), the B_PULSE messages aren’t sent.

WindowAt(), CountWindows()

BWindow *BApplication::WindowAt(int32 index) const
int32 BApplication::CountWindows() const

WindowAt() returns the index’th BWindow object in the application’s window list. If index is out of range, the function returns NULL.

CountWindows() returns the number of windows in the window list.

The windows list includes all windows explicitly created by the app—whether they’re normal, floating, or modal, and whether or not they’re actually displayed—but excludes private windows created by Be classes.

The order of windows in the list has no signficance.

Locking the BApplication object doesn’t lock the window list. If you need coordinated access to the list, you’ll have to provide your own locking mechanism that protects these functions and all BWindow construction and deletion.

Static Functions


static BResources *BApplication::AppResources()

Returns a BResources object that’s configured from your application’s executable file. You may read the data in the BResources object, but you’re not allowed to write it; see the BResources class for details. The BResources object belongs to the BApplication class and mustn’t be freed.

You needn’t have a be_app object to invoke this function.


See BArchivable::Instantiate()

Global Variables


BApplication* be_app;

be_app is the global variable that represents your BApplication object. You can refer to be_app anywhere you need a reference to the BApplication object that you created. If you want to call a function that’s declared by your BApplication subclass, you have to cast be_app to your subclass:

((MyApp *)be_app)->MyAppFunction();


BMessenger* be_app_messenger;

be_app_messenger is a global BMessenger that targets your be_app object. It’s created in the BApplication constructor.

Archived Fields


Type code




Application signature.

Scripting Suites and Properties

Suite: “suite/vnd.Be-application”







Gets the name of the application’s main thread.







Returns CountWindows().

Not applicable.


The message is forwarded to the specified BWindow.