
Constructor and Destructor


BPopUpMenu::BPopUpMenu(const char *name, bool radioMode = true, bool labelFromMarked = true, menu_layout layout = B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN)
BPopUpMenu::BPopUpMenu(BMessage *archive)

Initializes the BPopUpMenu object. If the object is added to a BMenuBar, its name also becomes the initial label of its controlling item (just as for other BMenus).

If the labelFromMarked flag is true (as it is by default), the label of the controlling item will change to reflect the label of the item that the user last selected. In addition, the menu will operate in radio mode (regardless of the value passed as the radioMode flag). When the menu pops up, it will position itself so that the marked item appears directly over the controlling item in the BMenuBar.

If labelFromMarked is false, the menu pops up so that its first item is over the controlling item.

If the radioMode flag is true (as it is by default), the last item selected by the user will always be marked. In this mode, one and only one item within the menu can be marked at a time. If radioMode is false, items aren’t automatically marked or unmarked.

However, the radioMode flag has no effect unless the labelFromMarked flag is false. As long as labelFromMarked is true, radio mode will also be true.

The layout of the items in a BPopUpMenu can be either B_ITEMS_IN_ROW or the default B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN. It should never be B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX. The menu is resized so that it exactly fits the items that are added to it.

The new BPopUpMenu is empty; you add items to it by calling BMenu’s AddItem() function.

See also: BMenu::SetRadioMode(), BMenu::SetLabelFromMarked()


virtual BPopUpMenu::~BPopUpMenu()

Does nothing. The BMenu destructor is sufficient to clean up after a BPopUpMenu.

Member Functions


virtual status_t BPopUpMenu::Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep = true) const

Calls the inherited version of Archive() and stores the BPopUpMenu in the BMessage archive.

See also: BArchivable::Archive(), Instantiate() static function


BMenuItem *BPopUpMenu::Go(BPoint screenPoint, bool deliversMessage = false, bool openAnyway = false, bool asynchronous = false)
BMenuItem *BPopUpMenu::Go(BPoint screenPoint, bool deliversMessage, bool openAnyway, BRect clickToOpenRect, bool asynchronous = false)

Places the pop-up menu on-screen so that its left top corner is located at screenPoint in the screen coordinate system. If the asynchronous flag is true, Go() returns right away; the return value is NULL. Otherwise, it doesn’t return until the user dismisses the menu from the screen. If the user invoked an item in the menu, it returns a pointer to the item. If no item was invoked, it returns NULL.

Go() is typically called from within the MouseDown() function of a BView. For example:

void MyView::MouseDown(BPoint point)
   BMenuItem* selected;
   BMessage* copy;
   . . .
   selected = myPopUp->Go(point);
   . . .
   if ( selected ) {
      BLooper *looper;
      BHandler *target = selected->Target(&looper);
      looper->PostMessage(selected->Message(), target);
   . . .

Go() operates in two modes:

  • If the deliversMessage flag is true, the BPopUpMenu works just like a menu that’s controlled by a BMenuBar. When the user invokes an item in the menu, the item posts a message to its target.

  • If the deliversMessage flag is false, a message is not posted. Invoking an item doesn’t automatically accomplish anything. It’s up to the application to look at the returned BMenuItem and decide what to do. It can mimic the behavior of other menus and post the message—as shown in the example above—or it can take some other course of action.

Go() always puts the pop-up menu on-screen, but ordinarily keeps it there only as long as the user holds a mouse button down. When the user releases the button, the menu is hidden and Go() returns. However, the openAnyway flag and the clickToOpenRect arguments can alter this behavior so that the menu will stay open even when the user releases the mouse button (or even if a mouse button was never down). It will take another user action—such as invoking an item in the menu or clicking elsewhere—to dismiss the menu.

If the openAnyway flag is true, Go() keeps the menu on-screen even if no mouse buttons are held down. This permits a user to open and operate a pop-up menu from the keyboard. If openAnyway is false, mouse actions determine whether the menu stays on-screen.

If the user has the click-to-open menu preference turned on and releases the mouse button while the cursor lies inside the clickToOpenRect rectangle, Go() interprets the action as clicking to open the menu and keeps it on-screen. If the cursor is outside the rectangle when the mouse button goes up, the menu is removed from the screen and Go() returns. The rectangle should be stated in the screen coordinate system.

Once Go() returns, your application should delete the BPopUpMenu object.

See also: BInvoker::SetMessage()


virtual BPoint BPopUpMenu::ScreenLocation()

Determines where the pop-up menu should appear on-screen (when it’s being run automatically, not by Go()). As explained in the description of the class constructor, this largely depends on whether the label of the superitem changes to reflect the item that’s currently marked in the menu. The point returned is stated in the screen coordinate system.

This function is called only for BPopUpMenus that have been added to a menu hierarchy (a BMenuBar). You should not call it to determine the point to pass to Go(). However, you can override it to change where a customized pop-up menu defined in a derived class appears on-screen when it’s controlled by a BMenuBar.

See also: BMenu::SetLabelFromMarked(), BMenu::ScreenLocation(), the BPopUpMenu constructor

SetAsyncAutoDestruct(), AsyncAutoDestruct()

void BPopUpMenu::SetAsyncAutoDestruct(bool state)
bool BPopUpMenu::AsyncAutoDestruct() const

SetAsyncAutoDestruct() lets you specify whether you want BPopUpMenu to automatically delete its BMenu when the pop-up menu closes. If you want the BMenu to be deleted, specify true for state.

AsyncAutoDestruct() returns the current state of the flag.

Static Functions


static BArchivable *BPopUpMenu::Instantiate(BMessage *archive)

Returns a new BPopUpMenu object, allocated by new and created with the version of the constructor that takes a BMessage archive. However, if the archive message doesn’t contain data for a BPopUpMenu, this function returns NULL.

See also: BArchivable::Instantiate(), instantiate_object(), Archive()