
A BBufferGroup serves as a repository for BBuffers, and can be used to pass those buffers to another node for its use when sending data. It must also be used by your BBufferProducer to acquire BBuffers to put data that you produce into before you send the buffer on to its destination.

You can create a new BBufferGroup by simply calling:

new BBufferGroup;

If you pass in some arguments describing what sort of buffers you want, and how many of them, the group will even create the BBuffers for you. This is how you’ll usually use BBufferGroup, from within your BBufferProducer subclass’ constructor so you’ll know there are buffers ready and waiting when it’s time to start sending data. A possible exception is if your node is a filter that simply processes buffers it receives and passes them along.

A BBufferGroup instance runs a thread that reclaims BBuffers whose Recycle() function has been called. If the group is temporarily out of free buffers, a request for a buffer may block until one is available, or until the request times out, if a timeout is specified when the request is made.

Using BBitmaps as Buffers

If you’re doing video processing, you might want your buffers to be BBitmaps. Here’s how you can accomplish this:

BBufferGroup *my_group = new BBufferGroup;
BBitmap *my_bitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0,0,639,479), B_BITMAP_IS_AREA,
            B_RGB32, 640*4);

if (!my_bitmap->IsValid()) {
   return B_ERROR;
area_info bm_info;

if (get_area_info(my_bitmap->Area(), &bm_info) != B_OK) {
   return B_ERROR;

buffer_clone_info bc_info;
bc_info.area = bm_info.area;
bc_info.offset = ((char *) my_bitmap->Bits())-((char *) bm_info.address);
bc_info.size = my_bitmap->BitsLength();

BBuffer *out_buffer = NULL;
status_t err = my_group->AddBuffer(bc_info, &out_buffer);

/* out_buffer is now set to use the BBitmap's memory */

This code takes advantage of the B_BITMAP_IS_AREA flag when creating the bitmap. This forces the bitmap to be in a memory area of its very own, which you can then use when creating the BBuffer.

If you need to do real-time accesses to the BBuffer, you should lock it down. In addition, if you use DMA, you’ll need to specify for the buffer to be contiguous (you can do this using the BBitmap constructor, specifying the contiguous flag).

Before deleting any BBitmaps used in this way, be sure the buffer group has been deleted first and (if SetOutputBuffersFor() has been used) all buffers have been reclaimed.