
A BInputDevice object is a “downstream” representation of an Input Server device, such as a mouse or a keyboard, within a “regular” application. The BInputDevice can Start() and Stop() the device it represents, and can send it input device control messages through its Control() function.

You never create BInputDevice objects yourself; instead, you ask the system to return one or more instances to you through the find_input_device() or get_input_devices() functions. Alternatively, you can work without an object by invoking the static versions of Start(), Stop(), and Control(). Note, however, that the static functions control all devices of a given type, whereas a BInputDevice instance can talk to a specific device.

BInputDevice objects don’t live in the Input Server—they’re used in “normal” applications as a means to control an Input Server device add-on.

The BInputDevice object is provided, primarily, to let an application talk to a custom input device.

You never subclass BInputDevice.