API Documentation



A BMessageFilter is a message-screening function that you “attach” to a BLooper or BHandler. The message filter sees messages just before they’re dispatched (i.e. just before BLooper::DispatchMessage()), and can modify or reject the message, change the message’s designated handler, or whatever else it wants to do—the implementation of the filter function isn’t restricted.

To define a message filter, you have to provide a message-filtering function. You do this by implementing the Filter() hook function in a BMessageFilter subclass, or by supplying a filter_hook() function to the BMessageFilter constructor. Only one filter function per object is called. If you implement Filter() and provide a filter_hook function, the filter_hook will win.

To attach a message filter to a looper, call BLooper::AddCommonFilter(). To add it to a handler, call BHandler::AddFilter(). Looper filters see all incoming messages; handler filters see only those messages that are targetted for that particular handler.

A BLooper or BHandler can have more than one message filter. Furthermore, a looper can have two sets of filters: a looper set and a handler set (keep in mind that BLooper is derived from BHandler). Looper filters are applied before handler filters.

A BMessageFilter object can be assigned to only one BHandler or BLooper at a time.


The BMessageFilter class is intended to be used as part of the system-defined messaging system. If you try to use one outside this system, your results may not be what you expect.