
Constructor and Destructor


BTranslatorRoster::BTranslatorRoster(BMessage *model)

Creates a new container for translators. The no-argument constructor creates an empty container. The BMessage constructor loads all the translators from the directories specified in the be:translator_path named fields in model.

If you just want to load the translators from the standard directories, you can instead use the static member Default() described below.

See also: AddTranslators()



Unloads any translators that were loaded and frees all memory allocated by the BTranslatorRoster.

Member Functions


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::AddTranslators(const char *load_path = NULL)

Loads all the translators located in the colon-deliminated list of files and directories found in load_path. All specified paths must be absolute. If load_path is NULL, it loads the translators from the locations specified in the TRANSLATORS environment variable. If the environment variable is not defined, then it loads all the files in the default directories /boot/home/config/add-ons/Translators, /boot/home/config/add-ons/Datatypes, and /system/add-ons/Translators.

See also: Default() static function


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::Archive(BMessage *into, bool *deep = true) const

Archives the BTranslatorRoster by recording its loaded add-ons in the BMessage into.

See also: BArchivable::Archive(), Instantiate() static function


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetAllTranslators(translator_id **outList, int32 *outCount) const

Returns, in outList, an array of all the translators loaded by the BTranslationRoster. The number of elements in the array is placed in outCount. The application assumes responsibility for deallocating the array.

See also: Identify(), GetTranslators(), GetAllTranslators()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetConfigurationMessage(translator_id forTranslator, BMessage *ioExtension)

Saves the current configuration information for translator forTranslator in ioExtension. This information may be flattened, unflattened, and passed to Translate() to configure it.

See also: MakeConfigurationView(), Translate()

GetInputFormats(), GetOutputFormats()

virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetInputFormats(translator_id forTranslator, const translation_format **outFormats, int32 *outNumFormats)
virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetOutputFormats(translator_id forTranslator, const translation_format **outFormats, int32 *outNumFormats)

Returns an array of the published accepted input or output formats for translator forTranslator. outNumFormats is filled with the number of elements in the array.

See also: GetTranslatorInfo()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetTranslatorInfo(translator_id forTranslator, const char **outName, const char **outInfo, int32 *outNumFormats)

Returns public information about translator forTranslator. Sets outName with a short description of the translator, outInfo with a longer description, and outVersion with the translator’s version number.

See also: GetInputFormats(), GetOutputFormats()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::GetTranslators(BPositionIO *inSource, BMessage *ioExtension, translator_info **outInfo, int32 *outNumInfo, uint32 inHintType = 0, const char **inHintMIME = NULL, uint32 inWantType = 0)

Identifies the media in inSource, returning an array of valid formats and translators equipped to handle them in outInfo. outNumInfo holds the number of elements in the array. If inHintType or inHintMIME is specified, only those translators that can accept data of the specified type are searched. If inWantType is specified, only those translators that can output data of that type are searched. ioExtension offers an opportunity for the application to specify additional configuration information to the add-ons. The application assumes responsibility for deallocating the array.

See also: Identify(), GetAllTranslators()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::Identify(BPositionIO *inSource, BMessage *ioExtension, translator_info *outInfo, uint32 inHintType = 0, const char **inHintMIME = NULL, uint32 inWantType = 0)

Identifies the media in inSource, returning a best guess of the format and the translator best equipped to handle it in outInfo. If inHintType or inHintMIME is specified, only those translators that can accept data of the specified type are searched. If inWantType is specified, only those translators that can output data of that type are searched. ioExtension offers an opportunity for the application to specify additional configuration information to the add-ons.

If more than one translator can identify inSource, then the one with the highest quality*capability is returned.

See also: GetTranslators(), GetAllTranslators()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::MakeConfigurationView(translator_id forTranslator, BMessage *ioExtension, BView **outView, BRect *outExtent)

Returns, in outView, a BView containing controls to configure translator forTranslator. It is the application’s responsibility to attach the BView to a BWindow. The initial size of the BView is given in outExtent but may be resized by the application.

See also: GetConfigurationMessage(), Translate()


virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::Translate(BPositionIO *inSource, const translator_info *inInfo, BMessage *ioExtension, BPositionIO *outDestination, uint32 inWantOutType, uint32 inHintType = 0, const char *inHintMIME = NULL)
virtual status_t BTranslatorRoster::Translate(translator_id inTranslator, BPositionIO *inSource, BMessage *ioExtension, BPositionIO *outDestination, uint32 inWantOutType)

These two functions carry out data conversion, converting the data in inSource to type inWantoutType and placing the resulting output in outDestination. inInfo should always contain either the output of an Identify() call or NULL. The translation uses the translator identified by inInfo->infoTranslator or inTranslator as appropriate. If inInfo is NULL, Translate() will call first Identify() to discover the format of the input stream. ioExtension, if it is not NULL, provides a communication path between the translator and the application. inHintType and inHintMIME, if provided, are passed as hints to the translator.

Static Functions


BTranslatorRoster *BTranslatorRoster::Default()

This returns a BTranslatorRoster loaded with the default set of translators, loaded from the colon-deliminated list of files and directories found in the environment variable TRANSLATORS. If no such variable exists, the translators are loaded from the default locations /boot/home/config/add-ons/Translators, /boot/home/config/add-ons/Datatypes, and /system/add-ons/Translators.

The instance of BTranslatorRoster returned by this function is global to the application and should not be deleted. Although you can add translators to the returned BTranslatorRoster, this is not recommended. It’s better to use a new instance of the class.

See also: AddTranslators()


BTranslatorRoster *BTranslatorRoster::Instantiate(BMessage *from)

Returns a new BTranslatorRoster object, allocated by new and created with the version of the constructor that takes a BMessage archive. However, if the archive doesn’t contain data for a BTranslatorRoster object, Instantiate() returns NULL.

See also: BArchivable::Instantiate(), object(), Archive()


const char *BTranslatorRoster::Version(int32 *outCurVersion, int32 *outMinVersion, int32 *inAppVersion = B_TRANSLATION_CURRENT_VERSION)

Sets outCurVersion to the Translation Kit protocol version number and outMinVersion to the minimum protocol version number supported. Returns a human-readable string containing version information. Currently, inAppVersion must be B_TRANSLATION_CURRENT_VERSION.

Archived Fields

The Archive() function adds the following field to its BMessage argument:


Type code


be:translator_path (array)


The location of the Translation Kit add-on (one field per add-on).