
Constructor and Destructor


BList::BList(int32 count = 20)
BList::BList(const BList &anotherList)

Initializes the BList by allocating enough memory to hold count items. As the list grows and shrinks, additional memory is allocated and freed in blocks of the same size.

The copy constructor creates an independent list of data pointers, but it doesn’t copy the pointed-to data. For example:

BList* newList = new BList(oldList);

Here, the contents of oldList and newList—the actual data pointers—are separate and independent. Adding, removing, or reordering items in oldList won’t affect the number or order of items in newList. But if you modify the data than an item in oldList points to, the modification will be seen through the analogous item in newList.

The block size of a BList that’s created through the copy constructor is the same as that of the original BList.


virtual BList::~BList()

Frees the list of data pointers, but doesn’t free the data that they point to. To destroy the data, you need to free each item individually:

void* item;
for (int32 i = 0; item = list->ItemAt(i); ++i)
	delete item;

delete list;

See also: MakeEmpty()

Member Functions


bool BList::AddItem(void *item)
bool BList::AddItem(void *item, int32 index)

Adds an item to the BList at index—or, if no index is supplied, at the end of the list. If necessary, additional memory is allocated to accommodate the new item.

Adding an item never removes an item already in the list. If the item is added at an index that’s already occupied, items currently in the list are bumped down one slot to make room.

If index is out of range (greater than the current item count, or less than zero), the function fails and returns false. Otherwise it returns true.


bool BList::AddList(BList *items)
bool BList::AddList(BList *items, int32 index)

Adds the contents of another BList to this BList. The items from the other BList are inserted at index—or, if no index is given, they’re appended to the end of the list. if the index is out of range, the function fails and returns false. if successful, it returns true.

See also: AddItem()


int32 BList::CountItems()

Returns the number of items currently in the list.


void BList::DoForEach(bool (*func)(void*))
void BList::DoForEach(bool (*func)(void*), void *arg2)

Calls the func function once for each item in the BList. Items are visited in order, beginning with the first one in the list (index 0) and ending with the last. If a call to func returns true, the iteration is stopped, even if some items have not yet been visited.

func must be a function that takes one or two arguments. THe first argument is the currently-considered item from the list; the second argument, if func requires one, is passed to DoForEach() as arg2.


void *BList::FirstItem() const

Returns the first item in the list, or NULL if the list is empty. This function doesn’t remove the item from the list.

See also: LastItem(), ItemAt()


bool BList::HasItem() const

Returns true if item is in the list, and false if not.


int32 BList::IndexOf(void *item) const

Returns the index where a particular item is located in the list, or a negative number if the item isn’t in the list. If the item is in the list more than once, the index returned will be the position of its first occurrence.


bool BList::IsEmpty() const

Returns true if the list is empty (if it contains no items), and false otherwise.

See also: MakeEmpty()


void *BList::ItemAt(in32 index) const

Returns the item at index, or NULL if the index is out of range. This function doesn’t remove the item from the list.

See also: Items(), FirstItem(), LastItem()


void *BList::Items() const

Returns a pointer to the BList’s list. You can index directly into the list if you’re certain that the index is in range:

myType* item = (myType*)Items()[index];


void *BList::LastItem() const

Returns the last item in the list without removing it. If the list is empty, this function returns NULL.

See also: RemoveItem(), FirstItem()


void BList::MakeEmpty()

Empties the BList of all its items, without freeing the data that they point to.

See also: IsEmpty(), RemoveItem()

RemoveItem(), RemoveItems()

bool BList::RemoveItem(void *item)
void *BList::RemoveItem(int32 index)
bool BList::RemoveItems(int32 index, int32 count)

RemoveItem() removes an item from the list. If passed an item, the function looks for the item in the list, removes it, and returns true. If it can’t find the item, it returns false. If the item is in the list more than once, this function removes only its first occurrence.

If passed an index, RemoveItem() removes the item at that index and returns it. If there’s no item at the index, it returns NULL.

RemoveItems() removes a group of count items from the list, beginning with the item at index. If the index is out of range, it fails and returns false. Otherwise, it removes the items, without checking to be sure that the list actually holds that many items at the index, and returns true.

The list is compacted after an item is removed. Because of this, you mustn’t try to empty a list (or a range within a list) by removing items at monotonically increasing indices. You should either start with the highest index and move towards the head of the list, or remove at the same index (the lowest in the range) some number of times. As an example of the latter, the following code removes the first five items in the list:

for (int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

See also: MakeEmpty()


void *BList::SortItems(int (*compareFunc)(const void *first, const void *second))

Rearranges the items in the list. The items are sorted using the compareFunc comparison function passed as an argument. This function should return a negative number if the first item is ordered before the second, a positive number if the second is ordered before the first, and 0 if the two items are ordered equivalently.

The arguments passed to the comparison function are declared to be void*; however they should be regarded as pointers to the items in the list—in other words, as pointers to pointers.


BList &operator=(const BList &from)

Copies the contents of one BList object into another:

BList newList = oldList;

After the assignment, each object has its own independent copy of list data; destroying one of the objects won’t affect the other.

Only the items in the list are copied, not the data they point to.