Generating the Class API

Generating the public API:

readelf -aW /boot/system/develop/lib/		\
	| c++filt										\
	| grep -e 'GLOBAL[ ]*DEFAULT'					\
	| grep -v -e 'UND' -e '@@'						\
	| awk '{ $1=$2=$3=$4=$5=$6=$7=""; print $0 }'	\
	| sort > api.txt

Generating class names:

grep api.txt -e '::' | awk -F'::' '{ print $1 }' \
	| sort | uniq > classes.txt

Generating member functions:

grep api.txt -e '::' | awk -F'::' '{ Print $2 }' \
	| sort | uniq > member-functions.txt

The goal is to use this, or something similar, to generate custom highlighting in pygments within sphinx for code blocks. The original Be Book documentation used a convention for highlighting, as follows:

  • Class Names: green-ish

  • Method Names: purple

  • Function Names: blue-ish

  • Parameters: rusty

  • Types: something else

  • Constants: blue

  • Variable Names: black